Saturday, November 6, 2010

Makin some munchies!

It's my day off (FINALLY!) and we're going to the store tonight to pick up some fresh fruits and veggies to make baby food! I love making home made baby food for my little guy- it doesn't take very long, and that way, I know what's going into his little tummy.

I picked up a cheap food processor from Walmart (Black and Decker- $30 and I LOVE it!), so all I have to do is steam the food (if it needs it) pop it in the processor and turn that sucker on! When it's done, you just pop it into ice cube trays and freeze... See, making baby food is a lot easier than it seems...and you save a lot of money!

So tonight I think we'll try sweet potatoes, apples and peas. If you're interested, here's a fabulous website with a ton of info I frequently reference it, and it's never let me down.

And just for fun, here's a pic of little man eating

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