Thursday, December 16, 2010


Don't you just love how crazy things can get around the holidays? Everyone is busy and frantic to get the last minute things done and we forget about day to day life. Well here's my update-

Josiah is now crawling, sitting up, pulling up to standing and getting in to everything! He will be 7 months old on Christmas eve (Where did my baby go?!?!). I'm so excited to experience Josiah's first Christmas. It will be a busy weekend, but seeing family and spending time with one another will be worth it.

This year, we will be making a birthday cake for Jesus. It's something I did every year growing up and I'd love to share that tradition with my little boy. It helps to remind us what the holiday is truly about.

So have fun this holiday season! Spend time with family, be nice to strangers, and be cheerful!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New family member....

Her name is Sassy. We got a new kitty to add to our crazy 'animal family'. We have two dogs, Niko and Weasel (both Rat/Jack Russel Terriers) and 11 fish. So our two bedroom apartment is a little cramped, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We're animal lovers here, if you couldn't tell.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Makin some munchies!

It's my day off (FINALLY!) and we're going to the store tonight to pick up some fresh fruits and veggies to make baby food! I love making home made baby food for my little guy- it doesn't take very long, and that way, I know what's going into his little tummy.

I picked up a cheap food processor from Walmart (Black and Decker- $30 and I LOVE it!), so all I have to do is steam the food (if it needs it) pop it in the processor and turn that sucker on! When it's done, you just pop it into ice cube trays and freeze... See, making baby food is a lot easier than it seems...and you save a lot of money!

So tonight I think we'll try sweet potatoes, apples and peas. If you're interested, here's a fabulous website with a ton of info I frequently reference it, and it's never let me down.

And just for fun, here's a pic of little man eating

Monday, November 1, 2010


My name is Molly and my mission is to change the way people view teen parents. I am proud to be a mother and I love my son with all my heart. I do everything I can to better his life, and I see red when I hear these stories of young parents making horrible decisions (like the mom who forced her toddler to smoke pot, and 'Teen Mom' Amber smashing Gary's face into the wall). Unfortunately, society doesn't see the good parents- the ones that beat the odds and raise amazing children.

So here's my story. At 15, I was diagnosed with a moderate case of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and was told I wouldn't be able to have children without medical intervention. I was devastated...All I had ever wanted was to be a mother. Fast forward three years and I was just moving out with my boyfriend, Joshua. I had been in a verbally/emotionally abusive home growing up. My father had been shot with a 12 gauge shotgun when I was 13, and as a result, he was on a million and one pain meds that changed who he was as a person. So, I decided that even if it was the hardest thing I had ever done, I needed to move out for my own sanity.

Josh and I had been living in our little shoebox apartment for a month and a half when I got quite a few flu like symptoms. He urged me to take a pregnancy test 'just to rule it out' and low and behold, it was positive. You can't imagine the emotions that I felt in that moment. I was happy and scared and doubtful... everything under the sun. I got over the negative emotions quickly, and soon felt only excitement and joy.

Just a few weeks later (I was 8 weeks pregnant), I started bleeding. I was horrified and called the local nurse's hot line...They assured me that it was normal and nothing to worry about. I still felt something wasn't right and got Joshua to take me to the hospital... After a few hours of tests, I found out that his placenta was separating from my uterus and it was the very beginning of a miscarriage. Luckily, we got medical help right away, and they were able to stop the separation. My baby was okay.

I was so cautious throughout my pregnancy. I didn't want a scare like that again. But, unfortunately, at 21 weeks, we had one. The cord was near his neck and he stopped kicking for three full days. I went into the doctor again and luckily, my baby was fine.

Fast forward again to 40 weeks and I was headed to the hospital. I was so ready to meet my son! We had decided to name him Josiah since it means 'The Lord saves'. Pretty fitting. After 28 hours of labor (15 from inducement) and an internal fetal monitor, Josiah David was born with the cord around his neck and completely purple. It took a few minutes for him to breathe. When I heard that cry, it finally set in. That's MY baby...Our baby. I started crying and was in total disbelief once again. Our baby was okay. He was a healthy 8 lbs, 6 oz and 20 inches long.

He is my little miracle. Everything I do, I do for him. He is now 5 months old, nearly crawling and rolling everywhere. His smiles make me melt, and his giggles make me feel so warm.

He is my life. I love him and his father beyond belief. Feel free to follow me in my amazing journey called life.